Marketing v.s. Advertising

Did you know that Marketing and Advertising are not the same thing? Although they are closely associated, advertising is merely one of the many tools used in marketing plans. Marketing encompasses all of the strategies that grow businesses. For example: Branding, Events, PR, Customer Service training etc. Marketing takes a lot of research and planning.
Advertising is usually used by businesses as a hunt-and-peck strategy. They put ads in newspapers every once in a while, or get a spot on the radio. It is more effective to have a plan and use more mediums together to get your company more business. If you have a goal for your business you are more likely to achieve it is you write it down and plan steps to get to it.

Kerning, Is Important in Design

Once you become a specialist in a certain field you start to develop your own industry language and quirks. Lately one of my greatest design pet peeves has been popping up all over the place. Bad kerning is bad design. If you work hard on a piece and the title text isn’t kerned properly, it ruins the whole project for me.

Here are examples of kerning, good and bad…

Example of Kerning

Example of Kerning

My alma mater has some bad kerning going on

My alma mater has some bad kerning going on





Where did all the paper go?

I am a seasoned graphic designer.

Scratch that…

I am a seasoned, print designer.

I can design a print piece from concept to pre-press set-up. It drives me NUTS when I see the beautiful functioning websites and applications that are out there, and I know that I don’t have that knowledge in my arsenal. I am an infant in the world of development and computer science.

In my schooling and work experience, I’ve had limited exposure to website development training. With the ever-changing, fast paced world of technology, I feel not only the “want”, but the “need” to learn how to design AND develop online applications and sites.

Adobe Creative Cloud has a plethora of tools that I may immerse my creative brain into. Which poses a slight problem? Where does someone like me start!? It is a new trail that I will have to follow if I want to stay marketable in the future.

So please, follow me in my quest to become the “Mega-Awesome Graphic Design Superstar” of 2014 and beyond. I will be posting my progress, triumphs & struggles as a stumble along.

~Rachel K

Comments and suggestions welcome! Share Share Share…


Look to the professionals when it comes to branding your company or product. Design and consistent branding is an important part or company recognition.

For Example: Name the first 5 Brands that pop up into your head. Did they include companies that heavily advertise with the same “look” and “feel” and slogans time after time? Apple, MacDonald’s, Microsoft, Macy’s, and other big names all started somewhere. They started with an idea and a brand and took off with it. Advertising and Marketing works! If you aren’t yelling “Hey LOOK AT ME!” with your branding then you will be lost among all of the other companies marketing their business.