Where did all the paper go?

I am a seasoned graphic designer.

Scratch that…

I am a seasoned, print designer.

I can design a print piece from concept to pre-press set-up. It drives me NUTS when I see the beautiful functioning websites and applications that are out there, and I know that I don’t have that knowledge in my arsenal. I am an infant in the world of development and computer science.

In my schooling and work experience, I’ve had limited exposure to website development training. With the ever-changing, fast paced world of technology, I feel not only the “want”, but the “need” to learn how to design AND develop online applications and sites.

Adobe Creative Cloud has a plethora of tools that I may immerse my creative brain into. Which poses a slight problem? Where does someone like me start!? It is a new trail that I will have to follow if I want to stay marketable in the future.

So please, follow me in my quest to become the “Mega-Awesome Graphic Design Superstar” of 2014 and beyond. I will be posting my progress, triumphs & struggles as a stumble along.

~Rachel K

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